Wednesday, July 16, 2008


You’re My Everything

The sun that shines above you makes the blue bird sing
The stars that twinkle way up
In the sky, tell me I’m in love

When I kiss your lips
I feel the rolling thunder to my fingertips
And all the while my head is in a spin
Deep within I’m in love

You’re my everything
And nothing really matters
But the love you bring
You’re my everything
To see you in the morning
With those big brown eyes

You’re my everything
Forever everyday I need you
Close to me
You’re my everything
You’ll never have to worry
Never fear for I am near

Oh, my everything
I live upon the land
And see the sky above
I swim within her oceans
Sweet and warm
There’s no storm, my love

When I hold you tight there’s nothing
That can harm you in the lonely night
I’ll come to you
And keep you safe and warm
It’s so strong, my love

....dUty oh duTy.....

....kWng2.....stArt ny duTy aku hari nie......emmmm....teSt mic......huhuhu....sUara msH xOkey nie...Camner Ek???nak Suh paRtner gnti Ke x??/nAnti2 lah aku msG BdK TU...sAPe NTAH...AKu PUN taK KNaL SGT....mCam peLik jer....seDangkan uNder sEqi yG saMe tp xkNal sma Sndri....RasE mcm nak bG cdnGn biaR waT seSi beRramaH meSra antRa sEqi and BiG bOss....BiG keR????satU saiZ ng aKu jer....hehe...

aLoha.....2daY it'S begiN wiTh....... Up al de BloGger?? New wOnderfUL life Begin 2Day... My fiRst SteP as The perSOn wHO Wanna a SurviVAL...HuHu...aS a Stdnt i rEaLLy waNt tO bE sOmeOne tHat diFfeRent wiTh othErs...WhYYY???Let's TaLk AbOut it........